Forbes Magazine Determines Fort Worth as Second Most Affordable Metro Area in America.
The chicken or egg question could be posed regarding the factors driving the recent spur of growth in the Fort Worth area. There are some major reasons for this high livability.
This might be related to the vast amount of outdoor recreation opportunities. There are nearly one hundred miles of mutli use trails within the city limits, which are sure to tire out the most avid enthusiast.
Right now, there are some real interesting events going on in the area. One of these is an Earth Day launch of a new 501c3 non profit. Fort Worth B-cycle is taking the concept of car sharing to a whole new, eco friendly, healthy human producing level. These kinds of positive, community building, oriented activities abound in the area.
Texas. Food. I am not sure exactly why this is last, it comes to mind first. The restaurant scene is resplete with cutting edge American food. That generally means fusion. In this instance it is Mexican Asian fusion. The creations are sure to tantalize the brain and the belly at the same time.
These factors, along with the climate, and general big heart of Texans, make getting your kingdom started in the Lone Star State, a no-brainer.